Election ImmunityThis is the first election in 20 years in which I really don’t have a good idea of what is going to happen. Any of the scenarios are…Nov 5, 2024Nov 5, 2024
To everyone expecting the red wave tonight: this was it.This is as good as this version of the Republican Party can do. A midterm election with record inflation, an unpopular President and this…Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
Tesla Dominance: what happens when customers realize there is a better wayIt’s always amusing, the argument that Tesla is insignificant because annual sales and revenue are dwarfed by Ford, General Motors, Toyota…Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Why do electric utilities allow these things to be true?Why do residential customers pay the same rates regardless of single family home or high rise tower?Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Are these Tesla numbers real?Did Tesla sell 35,000 Model 3s in Germany in 2021? The year-end numbers in the US aren’t quite out yet, but if this is the case, Tesla is…Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
Why would a city or a business buy renewable energy credits to claim to be 100% renewable?Many cities and businesses have added “100% renewable” “net zero by 2050” to their list of goals. Some have stated this goal for many years…Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
Senator Manchin get the energy deal he wanted — guaranteed premium powerAccording to the Washington Post, Senator Joe Manchin “offered some of his strongest comments to date in support of the climate provisions…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Electric mobility is betterIs there a business that offers a comprehensive mobility product — electric bike share, electric car share, electric ride share and…Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
How does Tesla compare?Tesla announced fourth quarter 2021 sales of 308,000 vehicles. This exceeded Wall Street estimates by at least 15%. Total sales for the…Jan 3, 2022Jan 3, 2022
Does it matter if Bitcoin uses a lot of energy?Digiconimist reports that Bitcoin energy use exceeded Argentina in 2021. This feels like a lot of energy because Argentina is a big…Jan 2, 2022Jan 2, 2022